Positive Behaviour Management Training Tailored to Your Setting.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
A toolkit of holistic strategies on de-escalation and crisis intervention, both verbal and non-verbal for supporting with disruptive and distressed behaviours.
Also available as a BILD Certified course under the Restraint Reduction Network standards framework.
Who Is This Training For?
Team Teach Positive Behaviour Training is for everyone from direct support staff including lone workers and social workers to clinicians, from carers to reception staff, all those who provide care and support in a setting where there are individuals who may present with behaviours of concern. This includes all health and social care settings, such as specialist mental health, learning disability and autism services, older adult provisions, secure units and supported living.
The Core Message.
The core belief that informs our training is that all behaviour is communication. By understanding the motivations behind different behaviours we can de-escalate situations and create long term strategies to support positive behaviour cultures and reduce the need for physical restraint.
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What You Will Learn.
You will learn that a consistent approach in supporting people provides a stable and nurturing environment. We believe that all behaviour is communication being driven by experiences and emotions and our approach is 95% understanding behaviours, using preventative strategies and encouraging de-escalation. There may still be a need to manage physical risk on a variety of levels and you will learn how to safely apply fully risk assessed physical interventions.
Following a training needs analysis, we will create a bespoke set of modules that will equip everyone within the team with the confidence and strategies needed to support positive behaviour cultures.
Our training covers how to develop effective supports to help those in distress by:
• understanding behaviours and communication approaches
• considering the impact of trauma on an individual
• understanding the different stages of crisis and planning proactive responses to de-escalate and reduce conflict
• developing effective person-centred strategies to nurture positive behaviour environments
• by implementing legislative frameworks and guidance
• identifying risk behaviours and responding to distressed individuals appropriately and proportionately
• building and restoring relationships
• post incident support and learning
Types of Positive Behaviour Management courses.

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Become a Team Teach Trainer.
By attending one of our courses to become a Team Teach trainer, you will be able to provide a consistent approach in positive behaviour training within your organisation. With your newly gained knowledge and skills, you can deliver training specific to the unique needs of your setting, progress your ongoing professional development and grow a shared culture and understanding within your workplace.
By increasing your understanding and awareness of behaviour support strategies, you will enhance the team abilities to create and nurture a positive and caring ethos within your environment.
Your organisation benefits from a consistent and cost effective way to train your teams, whilst also being able to quickly respond to training needs as and when they arise.
You will be able to adapt and shape the training to meet the differing needs across your organisation, whilst being reassured that all of the training is underpinned by best practice guidance and legislative frameworks.
We’re dedicated to improving the lives and outcomes of the people our training supports.
“I’ve received really positive feedback from the colleagues I’ve had a chance to talk to about the training. Also, the interest shown in the trainers’ course has been extremely encouraging, which I think speaks volumes about people’s experiences across the two days. I look forward to the possibility of working with you again in the near future.
– Unit Leader, Social Services in North East of England
“I have been a Team Teach trainer for 14 years. During that time in Coventry we have developed from a small group of trainers to a large cross service group comprising a schools team, and both adult and children’s social care.
Reviews of Team Teach training are always positive, focussing on how helpful the de-escalation element is. I am proud to deliver training that is so highly respected, and has service users at its heart.”
– Coventry SEND Support Service, Coventry City Council